So starting with today, I made these plastic grocery bag flowers, and toilet-paper-roll-flower-wall -art things...haha, but I got the ideas from http://www.growingupcreative.com/eco-kids-craft/They were both fairly easy, and turned out adorable!! :)
We'll see what tomorrow's project brings...
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Toilet Paper Tube Wall Decoration |
Walmart Bag Flowers...I tied them to an old tree
in the backyard..Adorable!!!
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My ugly sock teddy bear. Saw this cute tutorial on pinterest http://themetapicture.com/this-is-how-you-create-a-teddy-bear-from-a-sock/ So I started making it, and realized I odn't know squat about sewing. Still cute tho :) 5-24-12Pictures of my apartment garden!! We got this galvanized metal box thing, and didnt know what to do with it. So today when I was looking for somewhere to plant a garden, I saw it in a new light. I'll have to move them all later, but for now its a little seedling nursery :) |
Just your everyday remodeling project. We had an old rickety glass coffee table under the desk, and decided to paint it orange. Tightened the loose joints, And went crazy with the spray paint. Turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself!! We're thinking about putting decorative tiles on the corners later :)

Aren't these gorgeous :)
Mine aren't quite so pretty, I only have one color of glow in the dark paint, and its sort of a bluish white color. I've been meaning to do this for quite somee time, just haven't had a mason jar to spare. This one actually isn't mine tho, my phone camera doesn't take pictures very good in the dark. But you get the idea. Here's the tutorial: http://frompankawithlove.wordpress.com/2012/01/08/glowing-jar-project-varazslat-a-lakasban-enhu/We'll see what tomorrow brings :)
Friendship bracelets!!! They're sorta trending on pinterest right now. I learned this from my wonderful 6th grade art teacher Mrs. Burris...so I haven't found the exact tutorial. The tutorial most similar to my bracelet is right here: http://www.michaelannmade.com/2011/07/woven-friendship-bracelet-tutorial.html
Wish I had cuter yarn colors.....And I have no idea how to attach the washer.... But thats my attempt at it. If you do know, or have other cool bracelet ideas, let me know at: nanerbug123@hotmail.com :)5-28-12
Any suggestions be sure to shoot me an email! :)
Origami butterflies from sheet music :)
Here's how to make it (surprisingly easy!!)

Shhhhh....Today I played wedding planner and created this unreleased wedding party list!! Details later :)
I had one of my besties, Saranya, over today, and we made bread :)It was SUCH a long process, but very yummy! We ended up having a hot bread war afterwards, and I swear I have burn marks ;)
Here's some pics, for those of you who are interested:
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Haha she's adorable!! |
Ohmygosh..I'm three days late posting here!!Okay, So I'll admit I've been kind of lazy the past couple days. I didn't do hula hoop crafts like I promised. I will here in the next couple weeks. Promise!! Lets see...I'm a bit late, but I think this was the day I had a sewing day. And an unfinished puzzle project :/ (I told you I was lazy!!)
I don't have pictures, but they wouldn't be pretty anyways. I took an old gray tube top and sewed a lace neckline border type thing, and sleeves on it (tube tops are SO annoying anyways!!)
I swear I will never have such a lazy three days and will post pictures and links and stuff for the rest of the summer. My pinky promises ;)
Today we went to Altus, (check back to the home page for the full story)and I was SO tired when we got home that I made dinner and went to bed :/
I made chicken gnocchi soup though. REALLY yummy.
Gnocchi are like....potatoe dumplings. You might be able to find them at your local walmart, but if not never fear!! Here is a recipe :)
(I recommend Russet baking potatoes over the ones they suggest)
Until next time!!
Yet another sluggish day. Not much motivation. However....I did get mason jars for craft projects...Here is my strawberry shortcake parfait type thing :)Here is where I got the idea!! :)
Lauren and I got alot of bottle caps today, so we decided to make bottle cap bracelets. pretty simple...Just hot glued sring to bottle caps. Done! ;)6-5-12
Today, while Lauren was stil here, we decided to attempt a hula hoop project from pinterest....Specifically this one.....I bought the hula hoop specifically for this!!Our version was slightly less pretty, but I did like the pink against aquamarine color scheme! :)
We're gonna recreate his for Victoria's masquerade birthday party, but with fabric or something :)
It was a tad windy too...Had to do it outside though....'Cause I couldn't figure out how to hang the hula hoop inside :/
I decided to clean this cheese grater, mainly to try out a couple old tricks to getting rust off. I was Pretty tired today, so I didn't feel like doing much else. If you have rusty stuff, you can clean it with a magical secret ingredient ;)Cream if tartar and vinigar :)
Here's an adorable skirt I sewed out of one of John's old shirts. its super easy. Just cut the top off, and sew elastic into the waistband. I sewed ruffles on it too, and a pocket. Cut the sleeves off and sew them together to make a belt. Best sewing project yet!!6-8-12
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First, the kids and I put together a cheap dollar puzzle, |
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Then we painted it white |
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And painted it. Not the best quality, but I like it. The lyrics are owl city lyrics, listen to the song here!! |
Roll up paper, and when its the right size, gently push it up to make a bowl-type thingie. Mine fell apart so I made a couple little ones.6-10-12
Here's yesterdays project, I ddn't quite get around to it. But here it is:
Wow....Its been so long since my last post. Forgive me? :)So I've been sorta unmotivated lately... Haven't made a project a day :(
Here's what I have though:
No Sew Tutu: Here is the tutorial I used. Super easy!!!
Its so fluffy!!!!!!(Believe me, its much fluffier on. :)
Lightbulb Vase: Heres three versions. Cuteee :)
Here is the link for hollowing out a lightbulb :)
No, I'm not good at painting. But I rather like this.... Its my interpretation of John Mayer's "Submarine Test" This specific part:
"And the sky was aflare
When he came up for air
In his homemade
One man
Submarine ride"
If you look close, you can see the sumbarine ♥
Anyways, sorry to disappoint...I'm rather disappointed in myself for missing so many days. But I'm back on track and I'm gonna try harder to put stuff on :)
We'll see what tomorrow brings!! :)
Oookay. So, bad news. The thing-a-day thing? I kept up with it for awhile but now....not so much. I'm gonna leave it up though, because I'm proud of what I started. It was good idea. I think I need it as a reminder that nobody's perfect and I can't try to be, and that I can't be supergirl. Also to remind me that its okay to stop and b r e a t h e.
I think it would be amazing if people would just stop and be present in the thing that they are doing right this second.
I mean, I'm sitting here, sipping water from my U of A water bottle, clumsily typing this update, Jack Johnson playing on my Pandora, in my uncle's apartment. Peaceful. I'm never gonna be this person that I am right here right now, ever again. And I think that I should stop for a second and enjoy that. Cause I'm gonna be altered, if only just a teeny tiny bit, by the next moment's events.
I think if everyone stopped and thought about that atleast once every day, then we'd be more at peace with ourselves.We'd react differently to change. Not grasp so desperately to the past or future. Because the fact is, is that the world we live in now is constantly in flux. Nothing is truly as stable as we'd like to think. If we took a little while to be present, we might relax a little, and learn to accept the change.
So right now, I want you to take a moment to be present in your life: stop and feel what its like. Notice how the fabric of your clothes feels on your skin. The coolness of the breeze blowing through the window. The whir of your computer running in the background.
Do not let your mind wander to what you are going to have for dinner, or how you need to call your mother.
Just be.
Enjoy :)
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